domingo, 18 de junio de 2017

Minerva’s Dog and Other Problematic Points in Celestina’s Text

en A Companion to Celestina, edited by Enrique Fernández
The Renaissance society of America, 9. Brill, 2017.

A Companion to Celestina

Enrique Fernandez (University of Manitoba)
In A Companion to Celestina, Enrique Fernandez brings together twenty-three hitherto unpublished contributions on the Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, popularly known as Celestina (c.1499) written by leading experts who summarize, evaluate and expand on previous studies. The resulting chapters offer the non-specialist an overview of Celestina studies. Those who already know the field will find state of the art studies filled with new insights that elaborate on or depart from the well-established currents of criticism. Celestina´s creation and sources, the parody of religious and erudite traditions, the treatment of magic, prostitution, the celestinesca and picaresque genre, the translations into other languages as well as the adaptations into the visual arts (engravings, paintings, films) are some of the topics included in this companion.
Contributors include: Beatriz de Alba-Koch, Raúl Álvarez Moreno, Consolación Baranda, Ted L. Bergman, Patrizia Botta, José Luis Canet, Fernando Cantalapiedra, Ricardo Castells, Ivy Corfis, Manuel da Costa Fontes, Enrique Fernandez, José Luis Gastañaga Ponce de León, Ryan D. Giles, Yolanda Iglesias, Gustavo Illades Aguiar, Kathleen V. Kish, Bienvenido Morros Mestres, Devid Paolini, Antonio Pérez Romero, Amaranta Saguar García, Connie Scarborough, Joseph T. Snow, and Enriqueta Zafra.


Óscar Perea-Rodríguez, Hispanófila, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Romance Studies, Volume 188, Enero 2020.

[...] Fernando Cantalapiedra Erostarbe emula el papel de Sísifo para ocuparse de las múltiples rocas de crítica textual que contiene La Celestina. Su análisis aporta conclusiones sobre la autoría divergentes con las de Canet (110–111), ofreciendo a la vez unas tablas textuales comparativas que serán de gran utilidad a futuras ediciones del texto. [...]

Rachel Scott (King's College, London), Renaissance Quarterly, 72, 1,  2019, pp. 375-376.

[...] Following an introduction to Celestina’s significance, plot, authorship, print history, and reception, by Joseph T. Snow, the collection is divided into three sections. In the first,“Texts, Origins and Sources,” essays by José Luís Canet and Fernando Cantalapiedra Erostarbe consider Celestina’s authorship and textual history, touching upon the complexitiesof medieval book production and the manuscrito de Palacio, respectively. [...]

E. Michael Gerli (University of Virginia), Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2018, vol. 70, 1, pp. 123-127.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

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Un don Juan Humanista

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La Celestina y Seniloquium

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Celestina Comentada

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